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Tarangire National Park

Named after the river that flows through the park, Tarangire National Park is one of the lesser known Tanzanian National Parks, giving it a real air of undiscovered Africa. Famous for its tree climbing pythons, massive baobabs and large herds of elephant, Tarangire National Park is small but still home to a significant wildlife population, with a density of wildlife matched only by Ngorongoro. Birding is particularly good here; the swamps, tinged green year round, are the focus for 550 bird varieties the most breeding species in one habitat anywhere in the world. Tarangire works well as part of a northern circuit and can be visited en route to Manyara, Ngorongoro and the Serengeti, or on the way back. Tarangire walking safaris are a wonderful alternative to driven safaris.

Best to know in Tarangire National Park

 . Second only to the Serengeti ecosystem for concentration of wildlife during the dry season.

  .Herds of 300 elephants and teems of antelope crowd the dwindlingwaters of the Tarangire River and its shrinking lagoons.

  .Tarangiri National Park One can see a large concentration of elephants year round.

  .An incredible 550 speices of birds, the most breeding species in one habitat anywhere in the world.

  .With luck you may see Bat eared fox, Fringe eared Oryx and White bearded wildebeest along with all the common wild animals.

  .Predator populations are a big attraction here.

  .Tarangire’s pythons climb trees , so keep a watchful eye on the trees too.

  .Magnificent 1000-year-old giant Baobab trees punctuate the Park.

 .Bird species found here include African hoopoe, bataleur, Brown parrot, Goliath heron, Helmeted guinea fowl, Hamerkop, long-toed lapwing, Madagascar bee-eater, Yellow collared lovebird, and White-bellied lourie.

  .Also found here are various species of ducks, francolins, kingfishers, owls, doves, weavers, plovers, eagles, and sand pipers.

  •    .Covers an area of 2,600 sq km

     .The 4th largest park in Tanzania

     .Tarangire is the sixth largest national park in Africa

     .118km southwest of Arusha Town.

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